Women's Ministry


“Pulsating with life, vigor or activity”

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Vibrant Women's Ministry

We believe all women have a calling. As we navigate the seasons of our lives we have two choices; To give no thought at all to the passing days or plans, or awake each day with a vibrancy to shine wherever the Lord takes you.

Vibrant Women are women that live each day with purpose. We live each day pulsating with life. Whether you are a mother, a daughter, a single, a married woman; we believe that you have the capacity to thrive in whatever you do. Being a part of this ministry allows you to talk about it, BE about it. Shining- so that you may inspire hope and desire in others.

Our Vibrant Nights, Pinterest Nights, Tea Parties, and Mini Conference are the best! Stay tuned for upcoming events with our Vibrant Ladies!